Justin Bieber Shows his Happy Trail

And Justin Bieber's fans lose their minds....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tour of Amazon.com warehouse

According to the Alexa website Amazon.com has won #10th of the traffic ranking of the world and 5th in tha USA. Also if you visit Amazon web site you may find anything you want to by over the online. So take a llo at there warehose; how complicat is that. ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Russian Style to Sun Bath

Russian girls don't worry to go to beaches to have sun bath. Only thing they do is go next to window. Take a look at...... ...

The rare Cannonballs Tree

Cannonball tree is a rare tree in Europe. But mostly you could see it in south Asian countries Sri Lanka and India. The most important part of this tree is the flower. Those bloom on all around the trunk of the tree, not on the branches. You'll see them in the pictures below. According to the Buddhist history, Lord Buddha was borne under the cannonball tree in the beautiful...

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